Human Resources


District provides free daily lunch to all employees and contributes $350.00 monthly towards cafeteria-style insurance benefits.

Current Open Positions at Cumby Collegiate ISD


Cumby Collegiate ISD is taking applications for future positions for cafeteriatransportation, and maintenance positions.  If you are interested, please fill out an application and return to Cumby ISD Administration Office at 301 Donelton Street, Cumby, Texas 75433, or mail to Cumby ISD, 303 Sayle Street, Cumby, Texas 75433. 

You may fax to (903)994-2399 

or email to Email Shelly Slaughter.  For more information, please call (903)994-4800.

Custodian If interested please email

High School

Secondary Science. (New Post 10/23/2024) If interested, please contact Donna George.

Aide position (New post 11/06/2024) If interested, please contact Donna George.

Middle School

Future job openings for 3 - 7 generalists. If interested please contact Danielle Lopez.



Bus drivers

Cumby ISD has openings for Bus Route Driver and substitute bus drivers. Call 903-994-2260 ext 4830 or email Doug Wicks for more details

General Instructions for Employment

All Full time /Part time and Volunteers must fill out the Criminal History Verification form 

Criminal History Verification (required for all applicants and volunteers)
Please fill out the Criminal history verification and return to administration along with applications.

Employment Application for Professional Positions

Fill out an application, print it, and then fax it along with all supporting documentation, to the appropriate number below.
•Shelly Slaughter, Superintendent - 903-994-2399

Employment Application for Paraprofessional Positions

Please complete this application for all paraprofessional employment positions such as bus drivers, aides, cafeteria staff, etc. Fill in the blanks online, then print, sign, and date it. Fax it to 903-994-2399. 

Employee Application for Subsitute Teachers

Please complete this application for all Subsitute Teacher positions. Fill in the blanks online, then print, sign, and date it. Fax it to 903-994-2399.